Sunday, December 28, 2008

Trailwalker 毅行者 2008 (完結篇)

Wha hai... 2008年都差不多完了,要完成、要完成。。。

話説上回我們到達大帽山的郊野公園檢查站,即CP8。經過約80公里,只有餘下兩段,約20公里的平坦路段。爬過最高的山脈、最崎嶇的山路、一個又一個的Check Point,來到這裡,其實已可以放鬆及享受餘下的路程。不過經過一晚沒睡的煎熬,而且天氣又開始冷又大風,整個人都開始沒有什麽感覺,亦沒有什麽推動力去走餘下最悶而且摸黑的路。

CP8是我們支援隊的最後一個支援站。可以換的衣服都已經通通換過,反而換的是一對波鞋,因爲hiking shoes已經沒需要。我更決定不帶任何背包,因爲一路而來都背著乾糧、水樽、spare襪、t-shirt等。既然到了最後一段,我想應該什麽都不需要囉。





從荃錦坳起步,我們離開大帽山郊野公園,進入大欖郊野公園。雖然10月練習的時候曾經過這路段,但上一次是在overnight hike之後行過,所以沒有很深的印象,今次更在晚上摸黑(9pm架喇),都只有緩緩向前行。麥徑9、10段真的是很悶。沒風景、沒怪石,只有在叢林裏大部分時間往下走。現時我們一行五個人(包括支援隊的陪行小姐)已經你有你行、我有我走。因爲在叢林裏面,而且沒有其他隊伍隨行(每隊的距離放得很遠),大風呼呼的吹,都有點兒恐怖。




a b c

b. 騙人的,還未到!

c. 終於到喇!


問我行完的感受如何?其實沒有什麽。之前都提及過,行100公里不是難,只要沒有傷沒有病,一定可以完成。若想舒服一點,睡一覺是可以的。我們只不過是想在能力之内儘快完成;而我相信若果要再push更快的時間,35小時以内是一定可以做到的。整個experience,上高山、下大海、穿過叢林、仰望星空,通通都是一個又一個的memorable scene(除了最後的第9及10段,因爲實在很累及悶)。有時以爲自己有點弱雞得個樣沒耐性/耐力;原來裏面都不只是空虛的。


我想2008 Year in Review應該沒時間完成,所以,在此希望大家有一個快樂的假期,並希望大家的2009比2008更精彩更成功更美滿

"Trailwalker Series" 的舊posts:
中秋登高 (Sept 17)
今個秋天要郊遊:第二課 (Sept 22)
今個秋天要郊遊:第三課 (Sept 28)
辛苦 (Oct 13)
Updates (Oct 20)
Can you spell H-I-K-I-N-G? (Oct 20)
Sunday, 9:30am (Oct 29)
D-6 (Nov 3)
D-3: Unfavourable weather forecasted (Nov 4)
D-1 (Nov 6)
I Had a Dream (Nov 10)
A Never-ending Hike (Nov 12)
Trailwalker 毅行者 2008 (1) (Nov 16)
Trailwalker 毅行者 2008 (2) (Dec 11)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Season's Greetings

~~Wishing you and your loved ones a happy & safe holiday season~~

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Trailwalker 毅行者 2008 (2)


上回講到support team在大埔道的支援點幫我地又按摩,又有腸粉食,仲訓左20分鐘,之後就往走私坳的CP6進發。

CP5至CP6是整個毅行者活動中路程最短的一段,只有6.5km。我們足足用了3個小時才由CP5(筆架山)成功到達CP6,原因就只有因爲在支援點休息的太耐。原來一個小時的路程就這樣越拉越長。其實,整個100km的路程,以我們一般的步伐,照計是可以在35小時内完成的。而隊友表示,就是因爲support team的服務太周到,所以往往都在rest stop停得太久。無法啦,今年只求完成,以後有機會時至挑戰時間啦。





1. 落山往鉛礦坳



2. 樣sui,因爲已經半死狀態 (已經食左兩個杯麪架喇)





3. 4. 5.

3. 我們繁華的香港
4. 大帽山頂的雷達站
5. 凍,真的好凍


6. 7. 8.

6. 終於到達CP8
7. Ho Guie Ah!!!
8. What? Another 20km???!

(To Be Continued....)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Just a bit busy and no time to write lately. :)

Friday, November 28, 2008



(Photo coutesy of Agence France-Presse)

Friday, November 21, 2008


(Photo courtesy of

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Trailwalker 毅行者 2008 (1)






我們上星期五早上11點起步,在風和日麗的環境下,與其他三千多個毅行者從北潭涌出發。出發點是保良局度假營。記得很久以前第一次來這個地方是跟很多親戚一塊兒來的。然後小學都試過來這兒作school picnic (話時話要un兩個鐘車從中環到西貢picnic爲什麽?我記得回程時我有嘔的)。


1. 2.

1. Start of Trailwalker at Po Leung Kuk Holiday Camp at Pak Tam Chung
2. End the trail around Highland Reservoir at East Dam
3. The first hill up and then down to Long Ke

攀過浪茄、西灣山,我們隊長身體有點不對。其實,當天的氣溫實在溫暖,而且太陽高照,上西灣山的一段就是很多人癩野的地方。可能就是隊長沒有喝足夠的水分,所以到西灣亭時辛苦到不得了。往後他唯有慢慢支持到西灣村,即Check Point #1,補充體力,食個餐蛋麪,繼續向北潭凹(CP 2)進發。

大浪坳 - 赤徑 - 牛湖墩都是上上落落的一段,雖然登山的路段不大困難,但始終都是從大浪坳落山到水平綫上的赤徑,然後在急攀上海拔400米的高度。所以,隊長在傍晚到達北潭凹時決定退出,但希望小休之後可以在CP3(企嶺下/水浪窩)可以陪我們完成餘下的路段。

就這樣,我們繼續向第3段推進。根據之前訓練的經驗,第3、4、5段是100km的路程裏面最困難的路段。由於已經入黑,所以山就麻木的攀,有路就行。半夜前(先在嶂上食了碗豆腐花,hehe)越過雞公山到達CP3(企嶺下/水浪窩),與Support Team會合,而隊長亦已經恢復體力,換過衫,非常refresh。我們經過Support Team的呵護,換襪、換under、換衫,再次踏上征途,向馬鞍山進發。有人問入夜行上會否害怕?事實是,當晚有超過3千人通山跑,壯觀的是在山上可以看到一條長長的燈龍。。。一位每個人的頭上有頭燈或手持手電,所以從山下往上山,整個山頭都是一點點的光。Feels quite special。

4. 5.

4. CP1 at Sai Wan Tsuen

5. Tofu Fa at Cheung Sheung

雖然馬鞍山是很大的挑戰,但到睡覺時間,人已經開始有點神志不清。只有跟著前面的步伐,一步步往上行。馬鞍山過了,昂平、茅坪、打瀉油坳都順利完成。自己是第一個到達基維爾營地(CP4),記得有沐浴設施的,便不理三七二十一沖了個熱水涼。。。哇,當時的感覺是在無敵!感覺就好像剛剛從沙漠出來,滿身是沙塵,在bath tub 浸個浴。。。呢呢呢,好似Ralph Fiennes 在 "The English Patient" 裏面一樣,哈哈。

Anyway,由於已經早上5點,實在很悃,而且有點涼,而隊長亦應要求讓我們hup 15 分鐘。那我們就在浴室外的石屎地上休息了15分鐘了。


6. 7.
6. Rest Stop at CP3 (Shui Long Wo)
7. Checking in at CP3 with Firemen volunteers
8. Still 69km to go!


9. 10.

9. After snack at Shatin Pass

10. Panoramic view over Kowloon

大埔道是我們Support Team的第二個支援點,很累、很肚餓、很髒,總之辛苦。

11. 12.

11. Sleep deprived... so had to take a small nap

12. On we go again after CP6


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Never-ending Hike

Descending from Grass Hill (草山) to Lead Mine Pass (鉛礦凹), before climbing up Tai Mo Shan (957m), which could be seen here on the upper left hand corner. Photo taken by teammate at 3:27pm on 8.11.2008, still 10 hours to go before our finish.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I Had a Dream

... in which I scaled the tallest peaks in Hong Kong,

saw shooting stars in a cloudless sky,

faced the cold north wind over ridgelines,

admired my beloved City at night,

chowed down energy bars as snacks,

and going non-stop for a day and a half...


Wait a minute, that wasn't a dream,

that's what I was doing for over 38 hours.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


Track our progress

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The 44th President of the United States of America

Called by Yahoo! and the SF Chronicle (among others) at 8:19pm PST...

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Monday, November 03, 2008


Cloudy panoramic view from Jardine's Lookout

Two months of training covered 95% of the actual MacLehose Trail, sections of Wilson Trail, 99% of Hong Kong Trail. This is the most hiking I've ever done in a season, and the grand daddy of it all is still coming... in 4 days.

So, on D-6 (Nov 1), we did the 2nd half of Hong Kong Trail, picking up from where we left off more than a month ago, from Parkview, through Jardine's Lookout, Mount Bulter, Tai Tam Reservoir, To Di Wan, Dragon's Back, and diverted to Siu Sai Wan through Pottinger Gap and Pottinger Peak and Cape Collinson.

These make up Stages 5 to 8 of Hong Kong Trail. I've done the first two sections alot. The last one was quite memorable, as AM, MM, H, and I stumbled upon a new explosives depot at the base of the Jardine's Lookout Quarry... well, the rest is, let's just say, history. Another time I did it with a whole bunch of people, gosh there must be over 10 people. I do remember one guy (whom I don't know so well) walked from Parkview to the tip of Jardine's Lookout, only to turn back to Parkview when we began the descend down to the quarry... you ask me why? He said he's afraid of heights.

The hike between Tai Tam Reservoir and To Di Wan (土地灣) was very boring as you walk along this catchwater for about 7km (like... 2 hours?). You do get a little bit of a view overlooking Tai Tam Bay and Redhill (紅山半島). There's a Hobie Club there and from operator, it seems a popular spot for ex-pats.

土地灣, end of Stage 7 of Hong Kong Trail,
藍記士多 selling drinks and noodles open on weekends

Dragon's Back (龍脊) along mountain ridges

Stage 8 of HK Trail features a very well-known section called "Dragon's Back". I remember it was last year when AM decided to lead a group hike there... about 8 of us again. Then we hiked up from the bus stop above 土地灣, walked across the hill half way up, and about an hour later, we ended up at the same spot where we began... Clearly somebody didn't do their homework, hahaha. Anyway, this time I finally got to this section which Time Magazine declared in 2004 the Best Urban Hike in Asia. It was a bit drizzly and windy on Saturday, but the view towards both sides of the Dragon's Back is quite amazing. One the right you have the ultra-exclusive Shek O Road/Big Wave Bay Road (石澳道/大浪灣道) houses as well as an enclave of villas at Shek O Headland (石澳山仔); and on the left you have the highrises of Tai Tam, clusters of houses on Redhill and Tai Tam Road as well as a distant view of Stanley and Tung Tau Wan Road (赤柱/東頭灣道). Lots of top properties here on this side of the Island. It's not a difficult hike at all, and compared to the "3 star" rating on MacLehose Trail, thses trails on Hong Kong Island really pales in comparison.

Shek O and Shek O Headland

So anyway, this would be our last preparation for our monumental hike on Friday. Wish me luck, and hopefully I will be able to take some pictures along the way and capture the spirit and excitement of the event.

Picture taken at the Pottinger's Peak Lookout Point looking back at Shek O/Big Wave Bay. This is almost the easternmost point of Hong Kong Island.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sunday, 9:30am

Date: 26.10.2008
Time: 9:30am
Place: Tai Lam Chung Reservoir (Stage 10, MacLehose Trail)

You are looking at a picture taken when I was half awake. No, not because I had to wake up early to catch a bus to Tuen Mun to start the hike, but... in fact, this was the end of our overnight hike which began at Tai Po Road (Stage 6) at 11pm on Saturday. This is by far the most difficult in terms of trying to stay tough and determined through the end, though in terms of difficulty this did not compare with those between Stages 2 and 5.

So we have finally completed (well about 90%) the Trail. Big day comes in 10 days.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Can you spell H-I-K-I-N-G?

After this November, I think I will for sure...

Trailwalker, to me it is synonymous to hiking to the extreme and putting yourself in harm's way for no good reason. 4 years ago when I met PL, he told me he completed the course under 30 hours but he had to go directly to the hospital afterwards. I remember thinking to myself, how could you talk overnight and then finish the race only to check yourself in the hospital?! I mean, are these people nuts?

Well, at least, my conclusion was that we should at least try it once in our lifetime. It is there so you could give yourself an ultimate challenge. To me, this ranks up there with finishing a full Marathon, or getting to the base camp of Everest, or crossing the Sahara, roughing it on the Silk Road, getting to the South Pole, etc. So, we just have to start somewhere on that list...

Well, hey, either I'm getting old, or I feel like a major challenge, so I have committed myself to this year's Trailwalker, to be held in early November.

As you could see on the map above, Trailwalker takes the route of the MacLehose Trail, completed and opened on 26.10.1979 under Governor MacLehose's administration between 1971 to 1982. The "M-Trail" is the longest hiking trail in the Territory, taking you from the eastern-most parts of the New Territories in Sai Kung, through Ma On Shan, Lion Rock, Beacon Hill, Shing Mun Reservoir, Tai Mo Shan, Tai Lam Chung, to Tuen Mun. 100km (~60miles) of up and down, all-around hiking through heavy woods, lush meadows, breath-taking vistas, secluded beaches, and deserted villages. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? Well, first check out the gradient changes in the following diagram. Scary, eh?

In preparation of Trailwalker 2008, our team finally began training on the actual trail.

Last week we took on what seems to be the toughest stages, which are 4 and 5, from Shui Long Wo (水浪窩) in Sai Kung, via Tate's Cairn (大老山) and the back of Lion Rock (獅子山), to Tai Po Highway (大埔道).

Though not an expert hiker, these 8+ hour hikes are a real killer on my shoulders, back, and of course, legs and feet. Can't even imagine what it'd be like when you link them all up and do 30+ hours at one go. I was COMPLETELY exhausted after this first hike, and frankly it was a bit too much for me. The massage I got afterwards was more than necessary, but for the following 2 days I was compeltely lethargic and I walked funny. haha.

Well, at least I got to do some shopping... Ever since confirming my participation, I've begun getting the right kind of accessories... new hiking pants, socks, wind breaker, t-shirts, and yes, underwear. Do you know that when the insides of your thighs rub against each other for hours, with sweat mixed between, the burning sensation can be really unbearable? And there are other areas where it could be a problem as well...

(What I heard is, Vaseline is a real miracle for this problem... note to self, gotta get Vaseline)

So this past Sunday, we tackled another tough section, which is from the end of Stage 1, i.e. the end of East Dam of Highland Reservoir, to the end of Stage 3 at Shui Long Wo (水浪窩) in Sai Kung, via many serene beaches and high hills in Sai Kung. Really breath-taking and tranquil.

Thanks to our training on the previous week, I think we are better prepared and better paced this time, so at the end of the hike I didn't feel so bad!

My other teammates have done this 4, 5 times already, so finishing the trail would not be a new thing for them. Of course I want to do this within a decent amount of time, but I should really focus now on the idea of not sleeping for 30+ hours and walking from Sai Kung to Tuen Mun. Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?

(From 12.10.2008)

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. Looking up Ma On Shan
2. Walking along the ridge after Ma On Shan
3. Beautifully paved trail with big boulders
4. A glimpse of Lion Rock as we made our way towards Beacon Hill

(From 19.10.2008)

1. 2. 3.

  1. East Dam of Highland Reservoir... looks like the moonscape, doesn't it?
  2. Nam She Peak (蚺蛇尖) on the left, one of the most difficult peaks to climb in all of HK, as seen from Sai Wan Shan (西灣山)
  3. Ham Tin Wan (鹹田灣) with Nam She Peak in the background

4. 5. 6.

4. Looking out to the ocean, what a beautiful day!
5. Looking from Ngau Yee Shek Shan (牛耳石山) at Kai Kung Shan (雞公山) in the foreground and Ma On Shan in the distance
6. Lui Ta Shek (雷打石) from the bottom, if you look closely you will see two big boulders sitting on the side of the hill.