Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I venture into the World...



Fun的Blog, 發覺原來我多去過世界上13%的國家。這兩年成績都不錯,越南、柬埔寨、印度、尼泊爾。。。雖然沒有踏足比較遠的郊區,但都足以感受到不同民族的風情、每個國家的風景。河内的林蔭街道、法式建築;暹粒的沙塵、吳哥窟的驚世文化、令人摸不著頭腦的皇城、廟宇;孟買的繁華、文化的深厚;喜瑪拉亞山的宏偉、尼泊爾人的笑容。。。

今次的行程:巴黎、威尼斯以前都去過了。Mont St-Michel, St. Malo 及德國的Kassel會是新的目的地。不知道會否為我帶來什麽新的體驗?不如先作個預告 :)


See you in 2 weeks. :)

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Late nights


住在工作附近的好處,就是可以久唔久番屋企休息一下。前天在灣仔同D Friend睇完戯,去做埋gym,然後回家看我近期每個禮拜都追的"Ugly Betty"。Ahhhh~~~完美的一個晚上。。。跟著就是番公司做野lu。。。比想象中OK既。其實flextime work都幾好架,可惜公司沒有這個policy。OT 就可以flextime. They never care about what time you leave work... just have to show up on time.

Oh well.

講開Ugly Betty,套劇質數真係好好。有豪門恩怨之餘,又有"The Devil Wears Prada"。我覺得套劇講人與人關係講的好好。。。前幾集提及亞Mark最終向其母come out。Handle得好好,點到即止。每個角色都沒有因爲個topic有點兒敏感而破格。Character development很強很特出。無論是Betty, 或是Alexis,Justin或Henry,角色都有深度,不只是一個平面。講Ignacio,Wilhelmina兩個各自的綫都很好,有持續性。Amanda更是個show的一大配角。有她出場的戯非常搞笑。She's bitchy, she's superficial, she looks great, and she rocks. Everybody needs a bitchy friend like her.... haha.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Making my Blog more INTERESTING wor....

Given heads up by Fun, copied from a very impressive all-around blogger Wordy (THANKS), see below to get to know me better la...

Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate

You're a well liked, though underrated, blogger.
You have a heart of gold, and are likely to blog for a cause.
You're a peaceful blogger - no drama for you!
A good listener and friend, you tend to leave thoughtful comments for others.

You Are 50% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!

You Are 58% Jealous

You're a fairly jealous person, but it's nothing to beat yourself up about.
A little jealousy is perfectly normal, though sometimes you take it a little far.
Recognize when jealousy is taking over your life, and try to hold back your impulses.
You'll be a better (and happier) person for it!

You Are From Neptune

You are dreamy and mystical, with a natural psychic ability.
You love music, poetry, dance, and (most of all) the open sea.
Your soul is filled with possibilities, and your heart overflows with compassion.
You can be in a room full of friendly people and feel all alone.
If you don't get carried away with one idea, your spiritual nature will see you through anything.

You're a Little Stupid

You got 9/10 questions right!
Or at least careless. Better go back and recheck your answers!

Your Seduction Style: The Natural

You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen.

Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people.

You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find!

People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast.

This is so much fun, I can do this all day... haha.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Stomach problem, again

心情唔好,連至親的都黑面對待;沒辦法,請了解我的苦況。唯有講聲對不起,Sorry lor.
剛剛從尼泊爾回來,過兩個禮拜又去歐洲了。You're right, I'm excited too。本身的工作甚少需要出差(最多都只是去附近的省市),而歐洲都有成6年沒去過了。記得從某雜誌專欄中看過,年輕人應該每年都到一處沒去過的地方旅遊。今年都起碼去過尼泊爾,下個月還會去法國的Mont St. Michel及德國的Kassel。唉,d歐羅gum貴,我想暑假之後要再次瘦身了,沒錢開飯啊嘛。
今天Fun告知一個好消息,就是Sandy真的會在11月開個唱,而且仲會在最新的EMAX Star Hall 舉行。無論是場地/形式而言都會是嶄新的嘗試,希望出來的效果會滿意吧。開gum多場,應該睇邊場呢?

Pashmina 是尼泊爾/喀什米爾的著名特產。Quality及style都有好多種。價錢由HKD$200至$1,000都有。



在Baktapur這個UNESCO世界遺產中這個廟宇的柱上,刻有Karma Sutra經文裏面的幾個做愛場面。其中比較搞笑的是有個女人被男伴搞時在洗頭。唔知是個男人技術稍遜,還是女人的房事都是比較死板/千篇一律呢?

Friday, July 13, 2007

Mid-Summer's Day Dreaming







