Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Astrology, horoscopes, facts or myths? (posted 1/31/07)

It's funny how these things are written sometimes. "Match NOT made in Heaven", "Unlikely allies", "Can be true soulmates". I mean, who writes these stuff? And how come it's so addictive that we just HAVE to read every single horoscopes out there? Well, not quite. But I do find horoscopes somewhat reliable, sometimes. And afterall, it's just fun to discuss with friends. We just want to get to know ourselves better, right?
I think when we meet new people, it's almost as if we are just hungry for information, that we have to dig out anything available on the person... compatibility, luck in the coming year, possible conflicts, fundamental differences... well, it's like a business plan. Sorta like a cost-benefit analysis, whether it's sustainable, enduring, and if it fits our long-term goal. So what's more difficult? Running a business? Or a relationship? Do successful businessmen have great relationships? Doesn't seem so (well, you're gonna ask how I'd define success, and of course I can't give you a good answer on that). Why does it always seem to me, that those with simple lives seem to have successful marriages? If both are too ambitious and are trying to do too much, would they grow apart naturally? Because the wanting goes beyond what the other half could provide in the longer term? What if one party wants too much in life? Is he ultimately doomed for "happily ever after"? And for those who thinks "The One" (no, not Mr. Big Lau) would be the answer to all questions and problems, isn't that a bit risky to put all eggs in one basket?
Well, clearly it's one of those days when I ask stupid questions again... haha.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Emptiness (1/30/07)

You're looking into it right now!
I am outta words.
Big Dinner was great. I thank you all for making this one especially SPECIAL.
Thanks GT, LT, FI, TL, AA, DW, RT, PL, GL, DK, TH, MT, CW for making me feel extra special. ;)
Smoked Warehouse Fish, Baked Fish Intestine Souffle, and CBL Soup will always have a special place in my heart.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Gotta keep it up (posted 1/29/07)

It's my goal to keep updating this everyday, though of course sometimes we run out of things to say... Somebody "complained" that I am "moaning without being sick" (無病呻吟), is that so? I'm just writing some of my thoughts down before I forget them... because, honest to god, my memory is really sorta lame nowadays.
Is it because I don't make an effort to remember them? Or have I become too reliant on handheld devices? Is that wrong to always refer to your handheld to see if there's a schedule conflict? Better safe than sorry, right?
currently under tremendous pressure at work, and I'm beginning to feel my time management skills suck. Hope it's only a temporary thing.

Friday, January 26, 2007

I love my friends (1/26/07)

Well, they said it was a kick-start of a week-long celebration, so there it was, the first of a string of dinners with various groups of friends. First up, my know-it-all guru pal, Andrew, and my style and my latest relationship confidant, Aaron. And we were joined impromptu by a passerby, Mark, my treasured connection to my University days. They took me to a small neighbourhood restaurant in the Star Street neighbourhood. Food was ok, not memorable, but I always think it's the company that marks great dinners, and I've got to say this was one of the best. We updated on each others news, and shared our views on anything from Ayurveda to lovers' first trip overseas. It was followed by a round of friendly coffee and dessert in a nearby cafe.
I look around my circle of friends, I see success, wealth, glamorous jobs, sophistication, extensive travels, nice apartments, but more importantly, I see genuine interest and care for one another. If some say we are defined by our name-brand clothes, monetary wealth, blown up job titles, places we live in, hotels we stay at, flashy cars, etc. I'd tell them, your closest circle of friends is a better gauge of who you really are.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Kill me pls! (1/25/07)

Anyway, work is simply crazy these days. Well, I'm just paying for my down time late last year, when I was just... "taking it easy". These days, especially because it's near my Big Day, are just SUPER busy, and juggling between different parties, activities, and work proves to be a difficult task.
Thank heavens most of them are understanding and accommodating. Should be better after 10 days or so... which brings us to CNY. What to do le?
BTW, want to share with you a song I've been listening to for the last couple of weeks. A beautiful song, but rather sad... And a little trivia, Ivana and I were in the same choir about... 18, 19 years ago...
歌手:王菀之 作曲:王菀之填詞:王菀之 編曲:伍仲衡
浪漫長夜星河 記下了詩人留住片刻點點愛火望著其實已不錯 美麗會痛楚情漩動完美的心窩不停地為愛禱告原來上帝聽到並賜你給我戀情終於得到麼 仍感激接近過能今生得到這段情曾受過傷的心會醒相愛於咫尺勝甜言蜜語別要我清醒明知手拖不到盡頭仍願意感受試過擁有滿天星作證 這一對逆境中溫馨福積過幾多有你愛著我感動源自耳邊輕輕唱歌越動人越怕出錯 顧慮有太多連童話也忍心敲破依然為你去禱告期望上帝聽到讓你我好過戀情花開不結果 留於天國盛放你說再見又怎捨得放手 心靈難自由多傷心仍願放開你用眼淚平復你傷口能今生得到這段情曾受過傷的心會醒相愛於咫尺勝甜言蜜語別要我清醒明知手拖不到盡頭甜蜜痛苦畫滿星宿滿天星作證 這一對夢裡可盡情

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Busy days (posted 1/24/07)

Chinese New Year is making everybody busy... everybody around the world. Dunno about you, but I have projects that have to wrap up ahead of the CNY holidays in the Mainland, because clients don't want their submissions gone unhandled for that holiday period... which would drag the approval process for a month, they fear. Friends who are in manufacturing are also busy doing the same thing... trying to finalize designs so their Europeans counterparts wouldn't sit idled for weeks. So China has not only become the World's Factory, but also creating havocs around the World especially because people can't figure out why CNY moves around every year!?
If you ask me, the period between Christmas and CNY is always filled with a holiday mood... I think people never get back to normal working efficiency until after CNY. Is that just my excuse for being lazy?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Euphoria (posted 1/23/07)

Just when you were least expected, it hit you. Really, it might sound like BS, but I swear, this is how it happens.
So, when you got hit, what do you do? Try to move ahead rationally? Or do you do as you feel?

Monday, January 22, 2007

Can I improve myself? (posted 1/22/07)

Oh birthday is coming AGAIN. Every year around this time, you couldn't help but look back, and try to count your blessings, see if the year has been fruitful, review your bad decisions, and move on? I think, these years are meant to be our Golden Decade, our "Huang Jin Shi Nian". This is when we make it, or fall by the wayside, and just be an observer. I'd be lying if I said I'm happy just sit and watch, but in certain settings, and timing of things, they become an unintentional outcome that I'd sometimes dread, but still accepting as a reality.
I am surrounded by many friends with successful careers, relationships, and material wealth. Sometimes I am jealous, envy, but I've learnt to appreciate my weakness, and my incapabilities. But acceptance is one thing, not doing anything about it is another. Why should I just sit there and have it all wasted away?
I was chatting with a friend of mine, and while he shared his colorful stories with me, I felt mine were in B&W. Is it too late for me to paint colors to my life? I hope not! Maybe this year will mark the start of my Golden Decade?

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Emotions overdrive (posted 1/21/07)

When we live our lives, doing things we do, going to work, getting off work, sometimes meeting friends for dim sum, movies, dinners, a few drinks here and there.... pretty much the normal live of a single guy, we lose touch with how we accomodate another person/entity in our lives.
Then, when *puff* someone shows up in front of you, you lose your balance, being spun into a downward spiral, COMPLETELY losing your composure. I ask myself... is it because you have not been dating for so long, so you get rusty? You're in one of your emotional roller coaster you get on and you're getting that queasy feeling again and want to get off? Or is it this person is really someone special that you're just falling head over heels?
When do you hold back and when do you go full throttle?
Are some of us more capable of controlling our emotions? Or is it an expectation that we build up so high, that it would ultimately crash down on us?
I need a peaceful mind, and I need a tranquil train of thought. Roller coasters are fun, bringing you to the top and spinning down to the bottom in lightning speed could have us end up with a queasy stomach. But then, we always want to line up again for the next best one.
But what if you want to stay on forever? Would the roller coaster ride turn into smooth sailing