Friday, September 28, 2007



Saturday, September 22, 2007

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

向世界出發 - 現代藝術篇


我呢,沒有什麽對藝術的認識,尤其是Contemporary Art。以往都覺得現代藝術頗造作,什麽都看不明白。越難明,就代表越高深。。。但是,在這麽多的展品當中,當然是可以找到一些令我有Feel的。而現代藝術展的精髓,對我來講,就是可以看到一些超大型的展品,並不局限在油畫、小雕塑之内。



到達會場其中一個場地,Friedrichsplatz的廣場前面,是一片Poppy田園。Poppy,除了是一些可愛的小花朵之外,某些品種亦是提煉鴉片的材料。藝術家Sanja Ivekovic想表達的是要關在美國攻打阿富汗後,對種植鴉片Poppy的兩個反應:反抗和自私開發。

在另一個大型場地,Bergpark Wilhelmshohe,的前方,Sakarin Krue-On把一片斜坡變爲一個梯田。藝術家想帶出的信息,是有關土地運用的對比;究竟把土地作爲西方大型博物館,或作爲耕種用途的東方梯田,對盡量發揮土地的囘報率有什麽關係?究竟自然與人造、歷史與文化,那個是合適的代表?

documenta-Halle的裏面,有一個很紅的房。展品叫The Radio,但具體的意思我還未能理解。藝術家Inigo Manglano-Ovalle的構思是與2003年,美國指控伊拉克藏有“大殺傷力武器”有關。收音機的雜音,以及紅色窗口對外面的風景造成的變化應該是營造戰場上的一些觀感。1956年Tanaka Atsuko創作的Electric Dress,為當時建立了一些全新的物料、空間、及時間的靈感。當年她把這幅“畫”穿上身,因爲這是一幅會動的畫,並配合穿者的動作及燈光的形態創造不同的影像。都幾得意架。在Neue Galerie的一閒房,有個射燈射向墻上的一塊牌,上面寫的是:

Du kommst zum Herzen Deutschlands, nur um das Wort Kunst

unter deinem eigenen Schatten zu lesen

創作Eclipsis的藝術家Gonzalo Diaz的意思是,“你來到德國的中央,就是爲了在自己的影子下讀出“藝術”這個字”。“看見”與“閲讀”的關係,是兩者不能同時發生。當你看見時,你不在讀;你在讀時,已不是真正在看。當你的影子令你可以看到那些字,並使你讀出來,那一刻就是動感藝術的體現。


Monday, September 10, 2007


“Whistle Down the Wind”來自一個在2001年表揚Andrew Lloyd Webber,於北京舉行的演唱會。同台演出的包括Elaine Paige及費翔。Her performance was awesome.

Sheena Easton的“Almost Over You”在2004年的港樂演唱會中唱過之後,在2006年星加坡的演唱會再次演唱。這個clip就是來 自星加坡的。港樂演唱會DVD被譽爲近年影音極佳的AV產品。AV發燒友都用來試機。

Sunday, September 09, 2007


得閑在家jup屋的時候,往往都播隻憶蓮concert的DVD,1996,2002,2004, 2005,仲要係大大聲的播。一路播、一路唱、一路jup,平時不想做的野,都可以很愉快地渡過。


極期待11月憶蓮在Star Hall的演唱會!!



Friday, September 07, 2007

向世界出發 - 巴黎單車篇



Anyway,今次不同的,就是巴黎市長剛剛開始推行一個嶄新的計劃。Velib' 係一個“上班踏單車”計劃。其實不只是上班,計劃是鼓勵巴黎市民減少使用私家車,並舒緩Metro在繁忙時間的擁擠。

Bike Station上有地圖,附近的Station位置

其實巴黎市内的道路及城市規劃,都以行人及單車使用者利益為先。市内大部分的道路都有單車專用的單車道。而且每個大大小小的路口都有交通燈。在市内駕車其實是十分不便的。莫講交通燈好似終日都轉紅的,而且泊車很麻煩。如果不是法國Renault Twingo,或Citroen或Mini,在街上parallel park又唔hai花其他的車,根本就是沒可能。



其實使用velib'不是免費。在頭30分鐘是免費的。往後就是首31-60分鐘是1Euro,然後次30分鐘是2Euro,如此類推。所以個Charging scheme是希望使用者用velib'作短程的代步工具。你亦可以付出29Euro(三百多元港幣)享有一年内無限次數的使用。

全市内現在約每300米就有一個Biking Station。每個Station可以泊大約30架單車。只要你有一張信用卡,你就可以租用任何一架。Register的時候,自動系統(有英、西班牙、法語)會guide你,信用卡會用來作一個150Euro的deposit。意思是如果往後你不把單車交還,他們可以charge你150Euro咯。


駕單車經過Paris Plages。前面原本是一條行車的主幹道。

經過Plages之後,就是一條行車隧道。經過隧道之後就差不多到Musee du quai Branly及巴黎鐵塔嚕

配合巴黎夏天在塞納河畔的“沙灘”,駕單車去Musee du quai Branly,Bastille,Marais, Ile de la Cite/Ile St. Louis/Pont Neuf 甚至Champs-Elysees,有綠樹林蔭的單車徑及和暖的陽光,真是一樂也。

一個問題,去到一些Station還車,沒有位!Service Station是可以提供附近Station的資料,幫你找到有空位的Station,並幫你延長免費租車時間。It's the best way to tour Paris!!! 但其實你亦可以以時租及日租租一些供遊客用的單車既。

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

September 4th

Thank you Janet, Benny, Richard, Andrew, Fun, and Albert.

Monday, September 03, 2007

September 3rd

Today the kids go back to school.
As I was reminding you earlier about the A380 flight above Victoria Harbour, it was actually awesome!

And they've just annonced that they will do it once more, weather permitting, on Tuesday morning!!!

That's wonderful news, as I was actually asleep this morning, THOUGH, strange enough, was dreaming about taking photos of it flying over my head... but on a long stretch of beachfront. I wish I could watch it near the waterfront, but I guess it's meant not to happen.

You know, it's easy to be a zombie and just walk around aimlessly. It's true, you can keep your mind off stressful things if you bury your head in writing reports and stuff, but it just delays the effect on you, and once you take a break all the distress pours over your head.

It might be just over-analyzing things, but knowing how my mind works, it's a combination of intuition and insight. A sort of defense mechanism, and natural response to perceived threats to my well-being. So should I react... in such high drama? Well, for me, definitely. It might be difficult for others to see, but it goes so deep inside, that it feels almost as if somebody is ripping my heart out.

It sort of signals the beginning of the end. Or does it?

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Septmber 1st

Another new school year, but I'm not in school. Maybe I should go back to school?

Fall in approaching, and it does seem like the weather has cooled a little, and the sun is not as scorching as it was in July.

Feeling a little restless these day. Maybe due to the vacation, friend changing jobs, or maybe I'm just not comfortable in a comfort zone? Funny I say that, because I think I just don't like the idea of staying in a comfort zone, but am actually ALWAYS staying in one.

Not really having anything great to say, but thought I should write something here. It's amazing how often other bloggers could write on their blogs. Besides, nobody reads this anyway. ;)

... which is ok, because this is not meant to be a space for others, it's more for my own. I know next year when I come back here, I'll know that on the morning of Saturday September 1st, I had an urge to write something because I've just had a lousy week, lousy morning, even though the last bits of summer sunshine is out there.

And by the way, remember that there'll be a historic test flight over Victoria Harbour Monday morning ay 7:30am. The A380 will be flying over the Harbour ONCE only, and below the height of 2IFC. It'd be an awesome sight. Hope I'll wake up in time and be able to see it somewhere.