Monday, September 03, 2007

September 3rd

Today the kids go back to school.
As I was reminding you earlier about the A380 flight above Victoria Harbour, it was actually awesome!

And they've just annonced that they will do it once more, weather permitting, on Tuesday morning!!!

That's wonderful news, as I was actually asleep this morning, THOUGH, strange enough, was dreaming about taking photos of it flying over my head... but on a long stretch of beachfront. I wish I could watch it near the waterfront, but I guess it's meant not to happen.

You know, it's easy to be a zombie and just walk around aimlessly. It's true, you can keep your mind off stressful things if you bury your head in writing reports and stuff, but it just delays the effect on you, and once you take a break all the distress pours over your head.

It might be just over-analyzing things, but knowing how my mind works, it's a combination of intuition and insight. A sort of defense mechanism, and natural response to perceived threats to my well-being. So should I react... in such high drama? Well, for me, definitely. It might be difficult for others to see, but it goes so deep inside, that it feels almost as if somebody is ripping my heart out.

It sort of signals the beginning of the end. Or does it?

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