I know this Storyteller.
He has lots of stories to tell.
The most fascinating ones,
Sad ones,
Outrageous ones,
And Heart-breaking ones.
I wonder if any of it is true,
Or if these are stories from the deepest corners of his mind.
I had willed myself into a numbness about life and created the delusion of an existence that in hind-sight, was a mere excuse against the manifestation of what life could throw at you, if you allowed it to (and the fear there-of).
Today is different.
What a beautiful passage.
stories... they are as much a product of the teller as they are of the one they are being told to... where does imagination end and reality begin? Who is to judge what is true...
Where is the quote from? It's beautiful and touchy-feely!
Annonymous: imagination and reality is almost a continuum, two could easily become one.
Matt: hearing that comment from you the literary expert is extra nice. Yes, a bit "touchy feely"
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