Friday, March 06, 2009



昨天有點兒發「坳鬥」,上網又Google、又睇Google Map(實在佩服現在的街景圖,差不多整個Berkeley,San Fran都可以看到,包括以前住過的幾個地方),睇舊相。。。為mut?是對往事的一種懷念,當然帶著一點遺憾。

前幾天看過”Milk”,看到以前住過多年的三藩市及流連過的街頭。記得2005年及2007年的旅行,回去都多是流連以前多去的活動範圍:熟悉的日本小廚(Maki)、排大隊的早餐小店(Mama’s及Betty’s Ocean View Diner)、以前每天買送的超級市場 (Andronico’s)、每天路過的Sather Gate、打part-time工的圖書館、偶然下午茶的Crepe咖啡座(Crepe-A-Go-Go)、午餐的墨西哥餐廳(Cancun),以及Stanford Mall及Hillsdale Mall.

當然,還會包括以前住過的地方:Durant Ave, Unit I, Unit III, Euclid Ave, San Luis Rd, Green Street, Washington Street, Senda Ladera, Marview Way.

春天就是帶來很多的回憶。皆因春天有我們的生日、相識的紀念日、很多的旅行、很多的共處。而昨天晚上亦發了一個“好夢”——我們復合了。以前的誤會好像通通一抹而乾淨。深情的擁抱,真的想再次感受。夢裏你好像個子小了,莫非近來要應付press conference所以消瘦?你的powerpoint與以前的沒有太多不同,很simple、解釋了個architecture後又這樣那樣的technical資料,有以前的Reference page類似根據行業而分配的vertical integration。雖然我不懂,但都記得點滴。

有時候覺得,那麼多年後,心情沒有什麼改變。是我放不低,還是我念舊?是一刻的銘記、還是無聊非常的動作?夢見的是真的,自己幻想的是假的。發過夢,醒來的時候就應該返回真實世界。雖然時間把很多記憶都沖談,但真正值得記得的,永遠都不會忘記。數一數,咖啡座相遇的一刻已經是14年前的事。我還記得你穿著一件風褸(was it a Polo? Just remember it was white and yellow),我就兩手拿著兩袋東西,外面正下著雨。那一天就像昨天一樣,雖然詳細的我不記得,但以我很差的記憶來說,還算記得蠻多的。




Anonymous said...

relax, and u'll be fine ^_^

Fun said...

唔知做咩, 尋晚一路訓一路個心跳得好勁...

Unknown said...

Spring is the season for nurturring mah...Glad to see you have overcome such boundary!

CH Mak said...

Anonymous: I guess thanks.

Fun: 希望你快d平复番啦

红舞鞋: Not sure if I have overcome anything. But thanks for your support. :)

Anonymous said...

Wish I could say the same about my ex....

Anyway, saw you at City Hall last week for a concert. Guess you're there all by yourself. Wanted to say hi but was too shy...

Rag Andy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love the post, although I don't understand every word. LOL I know all the spots you mentioned. I never lived in Unit III but usually had lunch at the DC. I was at Clark Kerr. Crepe-A-Gogo and Cancun are still there; but Cody's closed the door due to bleak retail. Sather Gate is under retrofit.

Hope all is well!

naruto said...



CH Mak said...

Anon No. 2: Next time say hi!

Anon No. 3: That's the best we could do, I guess.

Matt: Went to C-K a few times. Quite hazy memory now... a little far from campus, no? Knew about Cody's last time I was back (2007). I think at that time the 4th Street one was closed as well. I miss the city alot, really.

Naruto: Yes, every year I'm affected by this foggy, warm and humid grey weather. Guess we'll have at least another month and a half of this to go before the sun really shines through. You too, be happy la :)

Anonymous said...

It was hella far. I remembered having math discussion every Thursday morning at Tolman Hall. That was quite a walk. The sunny side of C-K is the spacious room and quietness.

Cody's made an untimely business decision to open a store in downtown SF about three years ago. The store was losing over 40 gran a month. The economic downturn finally sank the whole company.

Virgin Megastore is going under as well. They just kicked off the liquidation sale which will go on with heavier discount until end of April.