本來沒有plan去看Chet 的Concert。但怫然空降一個很吸引的offer,又怎可能放過呢。。。
全晚Chet Lam所唱自己的歌,我真的一首都不識。熟悉的反而是他跟梁祖堯合唱的“微涼”以及他跟李宗盛合唱的“愛的代價”。
李宗盛 is the guest tonight?? wah...really so unprediable ar! i went to see his show last night, Kay Tse and Chet both sang really well! you enjoy tonite 2?
I thought it was gonna be Kay too, as it was mentioned in the opening credits. But I was nicely surprised by Jonathan Li's appearance.
I dunno any of Chet's songs, and though he tries his best to entertain, I do find myself not drawn to his style of singing... and he needs to improve on his pitch; sharps and flats here and there.
wah...you seem to be a professional musical critic. i was also surprised that Jonathan came to be Chet's guest too. What a pity that i couldn't come to watch his last show tonight, i'm sure Stpehanie and Chet would be equally surprising too!
so what made you watch his watch last night?
Professional, no ah... I am just a bit opinionated, that's all. haha. A singer's vocal performance is the fundamental part of a live performance. Dancers, choreography, stage & lighting, theatrical stuff are supplementary. I think for performers like Aaron Kwok, Andy Lau, Twins... the supplementary stuff would be more the focus of the show. But Chet is more of a... "Sut Lik Pai", so good vocal performance is expected...
Who's Stephenie?
I went to the show on Wed because... mainly because of good price lor.
Stephanie, Cheng Yong loh...
U sure it's the 'price' that made you go to the concert???
Re. his pitch, I agree that it's not flawless as Sandy's, but he's got a 'crystal-clear' voice. After all, he only sings professionally for a few years and he's quite talented and has composed some impressing songs, incl. '遇見'.
I think we should show him some support.
Yes, he tried hard to entertain, I quite appreciated that. But he always tried to let people know about his 'identity', which, I think is not really necessary.
Forgot to say that I like his lyrics very much.
"Price" was a big factor, but since my friend wanted to see it too, I just wanted to have company. *wink* :)
Re: Chet... 5 years is not a short time. But he's so... non- mainstream, and of course I'm not looking for a mainstream act. But he's just too... alternative. His lyrics seem heart-warming, but almost a bit juvenile. Or is it his voice? which I find to be too thin, and his vibrato... is basically just his use of his breath, not really his vocal cord. I find it extremely annoying, as it's like he “墩”d 音出來。
But you're right... we need to support good local singer-songwriters!
If you are interested in J. Lee's live performance, you may try the DVD of 李宗盛理性與感性作品音樂會. The songs, performance and musicians are great. Lee now has a guitar factory in China (not sure if it's somewhere in/near to Beijing) and some artists, like Chet, use his productions.
I watch that DVD in a bar and some friends were so enjoyed because they are into J.Lee, if you know what I mean. They asked if I like him. Well, what a coincidence that my former friend looks and sounds pretty much like that. So it feels rather complicated to hear those great songs by Lee (LOL).
Yes, I knew about his guitar production in Beijing. Sounds so romantic... making beautiful instruments.
I went to his concert in HK in 2006 (I think). Though didn't know many of his songs, alot of his classic are.... just classic. This youtube video is just marvelous... a fully-grown man not ashamed to show his emotions on stage. I guess all men have a sensitive side. There is something attractive about that. Interesting comment about your friend. ... ;)
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