Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Attachment to material things?

5 and a half years later, I have finally gotten rid of my "wife", whom brought me joy, speed, numerous tickets, my favorite music banging the windows and moonroof, and rides through the country side, to beaches on the Southside, fun times with friends, and occasional steamy times in the backseats... haha, my mind is running wild again.

But honestly, having a car in HK is a bit of a drag.  The traffic, the parking headaches, occasional dings here and there, expensive insurance, lack of street parking, etc.  Having a car is 80% of the time more frustrating than having one.  But those 20% of the times, when you can just get buckled in, turn on your favorite music, and get out of the city core within 30 min is just a luxury that is simply priceless.

Well, I read somewhere that I should embrace change, and change is good for me this year.  So, after getting ready to sell my beloved car for 2 years already, I finally did it last weekend, and it was easier than I thought, maybe it's because I've been ready for 2 years already.

I have always thought that I'm attached to material things... car, couch, bed, phone, etc.  But when it comes to doing so, I just disregard/ignore all the so-called "attachment" I had, and just get rid of them.  A dear friend of mine said Aquarius are 決絕(definitive/clear-cut/ultimate), and I guess it's true.  And of course this Sandy Lam song comes to mind when it comes to being 決絕 (from her 1987 self-titled release).  So, was she singing about bad Aquarius lovers in the past?

(Oh this is another useless entry...)


決絕 - 林憶蓮

歌手:林憶蓮 | 作曲:馮鏡輝
填詞:潘源良 | 編曲:鮑比達

何必多說 來為我拼命解釋愛為何終結
其實這現已不必 不必

*何必假設 情是永遠像花朵是有朝枯竭

 愛似個死結 我每日為誰活
 請不必多說 你既決定離別
 請不必多說 你已獨自將舊情處決*



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