Thursday, February 08, 2007

Somebody (2/8/07)

Our "God of Songs" has sung many lovely ballads over his 20+ year career, but this one has always stood out as my all-time favorite. It doesn't talk about moments of passion, or the sparkles that fly, or the chemical reaction of dating. But instead, it talks about the simple life of having somebody behind you. supporting you, sharing the sorrows, experiencing life, and growing old together.
Is that what love is? Or what love should be?
有個人 - 張學友 Music: Eric Kwok / Lyrics: Chan Siu Kei
上個世紀 像已籌備然後這生分享趣味換了角色 換了場地都等待你
若要說出 甚麼是你談話思想都可細味明瞭內心 如同自己寫我人生 精彩傳記
*同行共創造時勢運氣 相識一天算起 我敢擔起各樣危機 有背後人是你 同行共領會人世道理 假使一天不再飛 到公園中散步年紀 有結伴人是你〔有老伴仍是你〕
若到某天 尚可合照頭上多稀疏都美妙肥胖或者 眉毛漸少一切外表 都不重要同行共創造時勢運氣 相識一天算起我即使生氣及無理 有慰問人是你同行共領會人世道理 假使一天不再飛有新相識我便提起 有個內人是你重唱 *
(Ok this is the end of relationship-related stuff for a while... isn't it getting a bit tired and boring?)

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