A. Why do we publish our blogs?
1. To let others know what's going on with us
2. To deliberately tell others what's going on with us
3. To delibertately tell a few specific people what's going on with us
4. To keep our thoughts somewhere so we could look back sometime later and be reminded of how clueless/stupid/naive we once were
5. Be reminded of how stupid/clueless/naive we are when we're young
6. Be reminded of how stupid/clueless/naive we are ALWAYS
B. Why are you reading my blog?
1. You are interested in me
2. You're just curious
3. You're just curious to see how I'm doing with my love/day-to-day life
4. You're just curious to see how I'm doing with my love life and wish that I'll fall flat on my face again
5. You want to see whether I'm done with my nonsense yet
6. You want to see what sort of stupid comments I will make again today/tomorrow/and beyond.
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